📣 Hello Stay Montana Family!
We are delighted to announce that we are now an employee-owned company! Over the last years, David Moore and Laura Dwight have proven their leadership and worked extremely hard, thus we’re thrilled to add them to our ownership team.
The shift toward employee-ownership was the next logical step to ensure our company continues and broadens its tradition of local ownership and control.
Chris Torsleff shares, “Since the very beginning, Stay Montana has focused on nurturing our employees, homeowners and community. Employee-ownership empowers our team, improves job quality, rewards employees directly for our success, and expands local ownership to our hard working team and amazing leaders who live and raise families in the regions we serve.”
If you don’t know them already, meet Laura Dwight and her family on the left below and David Moore and his family on the right below. They are a key part of the Stay Montana family and we’re excited to have them on our ownership team. Read their full bios on our team page!